According to some reports, more than a quarter of the world is currently under lockdown owing to the coronavirus outbreak. With everyone cooped up at home, it is important to keep ourselves occupied. It is also natural to run out of things to do. So, what are people doing in quarantine?
One very common answer you get when you ask someone what they have been doing is – you guessed it – binge watching.
In the conversation that ensues, if you are lucky enough, you learn about a series or show you haven’t seen as of yet. And then, feeling like you have a renewed purpose in life, you dive straight into watching it. Our gratitude for online streaming platforms has certainly gone through the roof in these trying times.
Then there are the other pastimes. Book lovers have finally found the time to read all the books they ever wanted to. And reading a book may not actually be a bad idea at this time. What can be better than getting lost in another world when the world we know is going through such a hard time?
Some other people, capitalising on the time they are spending at home, are learning how to cook. It is indeed a good time to hone such a skill that could be useful in the future. But staying at home with one’s parents at this time comes with its own pitfalls – household chores. There is almost no running away from them. You try to pull yourself out of the situation at first by trying to act busy. Then you hear them constantly muttering things like “Yeah, just sit on your phone all day long” and other such (not completely unjustified) comments and you decide to give in and just help.
Many people are using this time to do what they are passionate about. People are busy bringing out their inner Mozart or Picasso and then through social media showing the world their talent. Then there are also the fitness buffs who try to inspire all the lazy people out there to keep themselves physically active.
Getting used to this new normal can be difficult. But fret not, for we at The Fifth Estate are here to find the ultimate quarantine playlists of all time – one for every mood!
(And just in case you’re one of those beings who have actually managed productivity in these dark and dreary times, fine we’ve got some music for you too, now stop being a snob.)
1) When you’re looking for some inspiration
Got up today morning and actually felt good for once? Want to tackle your courses, workout and meditate before dinner? All you need is some dope background music to keep that enthu going? We got you covered.
2) When you are lowkey panicking about the end of the world
(You’re probably right about the end of the world, so here’s a playlist to confirm all your worst fears. Starting off with ‘Don’t Stand So Close To Me’, this one’s also got some fun songs like ‘Watermelon Sugar’ and ‘Thinking Out Loud’.
3) For when you finally decide to get those rock-hard abs
We all know this phase lasts three days before we end up in bed again just breathing through the day. But hey you got to make the most of it when motivation strikes. So, here’s some upbeat workout music that’ll get you through them push-ups and planks.
4) For the Zoom/Hangouts group calls
Ironically, this quarantine which is meant to make sure we physically stay as far away from each other as possible is bringing people together. I am talking about how this is making us realise the importance of the company of other people. When you get that call from a friend who you haven’t spoken to in a long time or that text from someone you haven’t really spoken to much in the past, it does make you feel good.
I mean, there’s always that one friend who’s busy even though the world is at a literal pause, and the rest of us mortals are stuck at home with nothing much to do. But for the rest of us, these group calls are the best part of our week. And the occasion most definitely calls for some happy songs we can all collectively jam to.
5) Peaceful background music to study with
Quarantine or not, the semester chugs on and despite an overwhelming lack of motivation, we all have academic work to get to. Sit down with some non-lyrical background music, open the curtains, maybe make yourself a cup of tea. As they say, getting started is the hard part, it gets easier once you do.
6) For the hours you endlessly scroll away on Instagram
Because let’s be honest, this is basically your lifestyle at this point. You may not want to admit it, but TikTok videos are hilarious and you’re replying to every dm because social starvation is getting the best of you. Here’s a playlist of all the new music out there you may not have caught up with to keep you company.
Lastly, do remember that it’s okay if you aren’t coping all too well. It’s okay if you aren’t at your best right now, no one really is. Just remember to wash your hands and stay safe, and we’ll flex about getting through the apocalypse to every single kid born after 2020.