Just Club Things

Working with overbrimming energy that lasts throughout the semesters, the cultural clubs form the soul of the creative genius that bestows IIT Madras. The cultural clubs have, over the years, burgeoned to accommodate all the enthusiastic junta ranging from the exceptionally talented to the ones who are wanting to breathe new life into their creative cells.

Here is covered, the highlights of the club activities last semester. With events novel and more inclusive than ever, the clubs show great promise for a lot of I-have-always-wanted-to-do-this-stuff moments this semester.

Insti Reviews: Cafe Coffee Day

“Sporting their usual menu, with cold coffee, chocolate milkshakes, (two types of) cake, cupcakes, burgers and salty snacks – garlic bread, cheese croissants… the list is long, and thus provides an extensive range of choices. In addition to this, there are also some strange, to say the least, additions such as idly sambhar (the feel of South India) – for breakfast perhaps? Bottom line: This is a good place to meet up with a friend, occasionally have lunch, but probably not a convenience food joint. Though subsidized, it will take a heavy toll on your wallet.”

Manifesto Reviews 2015-16: Aditya U, Cultural Affairs Secretary (Arts)

Following a nail-biting election, Aditya U was elected as the Cultural Secretary (Arts) for the academic year of 2015-16. His manifesto is unlike the CulSec (Lit), in the manner that while most of Koushik’s points are easily quantifiable, Aditya has focused more on improving the quality of LitSoc and Saarang

Manifesto Reviews 2015-16: Bala Rama Krishna Koushik, Cultural Affairs Secretary (Literary)

Koushik managed a success rate of about 25%, and even though the numbers don’t sound impressive, it is commendable, since most of the incomplete points come from the Saarang section of the manifesto. The team of Saarang, working under the CulSecs, has managed to pull through the floods to produce another brilliant edition of the fest.