The Overnight Expert
Manoj Kumar Nair (B.Tech/EE/1990) recollects his experiences of first playing Bridge at IITM, and how the game has helped shape his life and career.
Manoj Kumar Nair (B.Tech/EE/1990) recollects his experiences of first playing Bridge at IITM, and how the game has helped shape his life and career.
Dear reader, if you have come reached this point, I know that Bridge may be totally alien to you as it was to me at…
On 17th March 2013, the students of IITM, who are usually not seen making loud political statements in public, came together in a protest against…
The probability of one’s bicycle remaining in an operable condition decreases sharply as the semesters proceed. Add to that the cases of a few unfortunate thefts, and you have a fair share of the hostel zone relying on the campus bus services. It is, after all, the fastest permissible way of travel in the campus. A strict professor at 8 in the morning, getting back to the room when there are two free slots, going outside the institute, etc. are multiple scenarios in our campus lives where we need the bus. But here’s the rub. How do we get to know where the bus is? Do we wait for it or walk? None of us is keen on wasting additional time for that bus which might or might not come . These were the questions which the GEOTAGG team asked themselves as they set out to devise a bus tracking application for campus buses.
The results are out!
The start of the even semester brought with it the buzz of elections. Rumours about potential candidates became a topic of discussion, and current secretaries,…
Vox Populi is a public interview series begun by T5E. Published on a fortnightly basis, it will capture popular opinion on institute relevant issues. In…
The election-2013 manifestos are out!
The Students’ General Secretary, Nikhil Agarwal, shares with us some new initiatives and what has changed/will change in insti over the next few months. One…