SAC Meeting Review: Feb 2013
by Bhargavi Suryanarayanan and V.V. Hemanth The SAC meeting that took place on Saturday, Feb 23, saw a lot of relevant issues being discussed and…
by Bhargavi Suryanarayanan and V.V. Hemanth The SAC meeting that took place on Saturday, Feb 23, saw a lot of relevant issues being discussed and…
A number of Facebook pages parading under the title ‘IIT Confessions’ have sprung up overnight, and have resonated widely with IITians across the country. They are an outlet for the bored student, the sort that Facebook seems to be such a fertile breeding ground for during Quiz Week, and though these pages started small, they quickly gained so much popularity that it is almost impossible to be ignorant of their existence.
My first experience with marijuana was at a friend’s birthday, soon after my 12th standard exams and just before joining IITM. It was a small group of friends that I had grown up with and fully trusted, so their enthusiasm to share the experience was very genuine. I had no apprehension and only curiosity to experience this supposedly amazing thing myself.
An interview with Mr. Dhanushkodi Mariappan (BT/ME/2001): An inspirational figure, Mr. Mariappan started a company called ‘TechPassion’ after completing his MS from MIT. A brief…
Prasad Setty is the Vice President of the People Analytics & Compensation in Google. He holds an MBA from the Wharton School where he graduated…
Saad, Paroma, Nayantara and I (all undergraduate students in different universities) were in Khunti, Jharkhand in the summer of 2009 doing fieldwork on the functioning of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. Khunti is largely a tribal district, but there are small pockets of areas where there are caste villages. In Birhu, one of those villages in the district where so-called high caste and low caste residents live in separate parts, we had to quickly find someone who would agree to cook dinner for us.
The author, Akhil Kulkarni (B.Tech/ME/2010), worked with Credit Suisse for about one and a half years before pursuing his MS in mechanical engineering…
The Internet, a global system of interconnected computer networks that has transformed the lives of billions of people across the world, turned 30 this month. On this occasion ACM India, IEEE Computer Society, Computer Society of India and IITM Alumni Association had jointly organised a talk by the co-creator of the TCP/IP protocol, Vint Cerf.
In the aftermath of the particularly gruesome rape in the national capital in December, Delhi’s streets spilt over as more and more of its inhabitants joined the numerous vigils and protests that followed it. the anger and pain were real. The fear in our girls was real. The shame the nation felt as we heard about her death was real. Healing, and through it, a solution begins with talking about it. With this in mind, Mitr, on 2nd February, held a discussion on sexual violence. A reassuring number of men turned up for the talk, during the course of which we had six speakers.
The first step in solving any problem is acknowledging its existence. To that effect, T5E attempts to document the various aspects of our campus culture that bother female students, by engaging some of them in a group discussion.