Nanotechnology: A Big Leap Into All Things Small
All of us have heard about nanotechnology changing the world and being a field with a lot of scope. So, what is this entire furore…
All of us have heard about nanotechnology changing the world and being a field with a lot of scope. So, what is this entire furore…
Music, a placid lake, a raging storm. It can soothe your soul, it can ignite thousands of emotions. Some say it’s the language of love,…
Fifty-seven years ago in the month of August, on this very campus, a student was writing an article, thinking up of an introduction, exactly as…
It all started off with an idea which might seem quite ordinary now but at the time was so radical and frankly incendiary, that Darwin…
Edited by: Sharayu Shejale We interviewed the recently elected CulSecs – Abhinav Kankane and Shashwath Bacha – about their plans for the cultural scene…
Meet Jay. His first day at Insti was exactly the same way that Harry’s at Hogwarts wasn’t. Jaykant was here, and miserable. His first…
Edited by: Akash Reddy (BTech, EE ’17) If you’ve checked your smail anytime in the recent past, chances are that you’ve encountered multiple (confusing!)…
xkcd comics Machine learning is the electricity of the future Introduction Necessity is the mother of invention. Early humans realized the need for sharing and…
Our freshie, ‘Hari’ is on his way to insti for the first time. Will he make it? Of course he will. This is not that kind of a horror story. Read on to see how.
The course registration process is key to helping students sail smoothly through to the following academic semester. In this article, we look at the…