Internship Stories: A Paris-Perfect Experience

Au Revoir, Paris

At the end of all my exploits in Paris, I had such a strange melange of feelings – nostalgia, inspiration and restlessness. I crossed the Seine every day, went to the Louvre for free when I was bored, passed by the Place de la Concorde when I went shopping on the weekends and the Eiffel so readily blended into the skyline I woke up to every morning. I was going to miss working in the lab where passion and intellect created such a galvanizing atmosphere, and the informal ‘Pizza Meetings’ where I learnt so much about neuroscience and opportunities for research.  The bittersweet realisation of having to leave this city, which had so quickly become home, had finally set in. But I now have this constant urge to get out and delve into other mysterious and thrilling lifestyles.

Sometimes, reality is better than dreams.


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