VACATION GUIDE: Book Recommendations!

The holidays catch some of us like characters in a slapstick act pushing with all their weight against a closed door just to find it unlocked. After a semester full of groaning about hectic schedules (while finding ‘n’ ways to pass time less than three hours away from a deadline), we stumble, thankful but bemused, into the summer vacation, where a vast expanse of free time awaits us like a dream fulfilled. And we are not quite sure whether we know what to do with this.
Part 1: Books

Women in Science – Interview with Prof. Neelima Gupte

Prof. Neelima M. Gupte has been a member of the faculty of the Department of Physics at IIT Madras for over two decades. Her research interests include non-linear dynamics, chaos and the study of networks. Prof. Gupte has been involved with the Women’s Forum at IIT-M for over ten years, has worked with the IUPAP working group for Women in Physics, and has often collaborated with the Women in Science initiative of the Indian Academy of Sciences, to organise events and activities. Readers may be familiar with her contribution to the book Lilavati’s Daughters published by the Indian Academy of Sciences.