by N Vasuki
IIT M’s convocation is one of the most important annual events of the institute, and an opportunity for each graduating student to personally receive their degree from the institute’s Director. This year’s convocation was the last hosted by Prof. M S Ananth as the Director of IIT M.
The chief guest for this year’s convocation was the former Governor of Reserve Bank of India Dr. Y V Reddy. Like previous years, the ceremony went strictly according to schedule. The graduands, VIPs and faculty were seated in the bowl while the visibly proud parents and other guests were seated in the gallery.
The convocation began with a speech by Prof. Ananth, followed by Dr. Chidambaram, the Chairman of the Board of Governors, and later by the chief guest. In his inspirational speech Dr Reddy spoke openly about how even great men make mistakes and acknowledged how peers and colleagues were instrumental in pointing out their errors in judgement.
Afterwards, the awarding of degrees commenced. Around 1300 students graduated this year and 1100 of them were present personally to receive their degrees. The entire event was webcasted for the benefit of a global audience.
There followed the prize distribution ceremony, starting with the President’s Gold Medal, followed the Governor’s Medal, the Institute Merit prize and so on. In conclusion, all graduands took the oath and the convocation was declared closed, followed by general applause.
After the chief guest was escorted from the hall, there was an informal photography session in the venue amidst students, parents and professors. The juniors who assisted in hosting the ceremony, mostly from the forthcoming batch, also took part in the festivities with enthusiasm.
Both pictorial and video impressions of the event can by found at the IITM CCE site.
(N Vasuki is a fourth year BTech. Electrical Engineering student at IITM)