You can read the entire T5E Vacation Guide 2014-15 here.
It’s vacation time and you have managed to do absolutely nothing concrete over the summer. Your news feed is swamped with the productive things your go-getter friends are up to (refer to Category 1–yeah, THEM), and you have that voice inside your head asking, “Your friend saved a life today–what did you do?” Well, you missed the deadlines to that internship watching Game of Thrones reaction videos…or perhaps a much-adored baby video. Or yet another rendition of “Let it go”. The list goes on.
Many great minds have tried to brave the all-consuming vortex that is the Internet and failed. We are but mere mortals. So let’s skip the guilt trip and dive right into that abyss filled with cat videos. Let’s set the mood with these majestic canines and with a mashup of a rather different set of canines that have been all over feeds this year. And now for the list:
Epic Rap Battles of History: For little history, and a lot of swag.
Happy Tree Friends: For a dose of macabre and the adorably grotesque.
ASDF Movies: Really not sure for what.
Nyan Cat: For a cat with rainbow trails. For ten hours. Yup.
Cyanide & happiness: For insensitivity through and through.
Wait. Before you lose yourself to the beautiful insignificance of the internet, we’d like to introduce you to TED, mostly out of moral obligations, but anyway. Here.
TED: This is the treasure trove of the most brilliant ideas across the world, laid out on a silver platter for you to explore. If there’s anything in the realm of Internet that deserves your time, this is it. There is still hope for you.