Those who have been to a hostel GBM are likely to think they’ve seen democracy in action( while those who have not, should seriously up the hostel spirit and attend one, even if only to know what we’re talking about). However, attending the SAC meeting last month (the formal Minutes of which reached your smail inbox yesterday) would have convinced anyone otherwise. Much like an insti-level GBM, it took things to a whole new level.
Nikhil “”Lift”Jogimahanti , the newly appointed SAC Speaker for 2010-11, convened the first SAC meeting in nearly two years on Thursday, 14 October 2010 at the MRC and it saw a decent turnout of the Institute Secretaries, Club Conveners, heads of various organizations including GCU, C-TIDES and institute publications as well as some enthu insti junta.
The agenda was to have various student heads present their one-year plan for their respective areas of responsibility. After the presentation of each agenda, those present were permitted to question, comment and seek clarification regarding the same so as to increase accountability. While the CoAs spoke of Shaastra, the GenSec , HAS, RAS, AAS and the CulSecs reiterated their manifesto points and the Sports Sec spoke enthusiastically of the new Student Gymkhana and the five new sports he plans to introduce this year.
Several important recommendations were made and resolutions passed, keeping the interest of the students in mind, most significantly:
- Centralizing representation of Student Organizations: All the student-managed clubs, committees and organizations of the institute working through the Office of Dean-Students shall be brought under the umbrella of at least one Executive Wing member for management or representation.
- The Hostel General Secretaries will present a brief report about their hostel activities and future plans twice a year, when called for by the Speaker, SAC” is a constitutional rule, to be enforced in a formalized way henceforth.
- It currently takes about three days to process a request made by hostel secretaries for an amount below Rs.10,000. Specific cases were looked into and it was agreed that the process is efficient and would be smoother if the secretaries pre-plan utilization of bigger budgets
- SAC unanimously agreed to abolish the post of Garden Secretary. However, the responsibility of maintaining the Garden was suggested to be put under Mess Secretary instead of General Secretary
Duties and responsibilities of Hostel Alumni Affairs Secretaries and Institute Alumni Affairs In-charge are to be laid down. A framework for the working of Alumni Affairs Council is to be formed. - Student Body Welfare Fund maintains funds collected from students which may be utilized for the benefit of students. It is now proposed that every year Rs.50 will be collected from every student towards this fund, which will be used for benefit of students who cannot afford to pay their hospital bills. A trust shall be formed which will hold this fund. The structure, rules and regulations for this trust will be formulated by HAS, SGS in the guidance of CCW and Dean Students.