Passing the Baton: Freshie Quiz ’13


If curiosity hadn’t already killed the cat, the prying creature would probably have been found amongst the sea of enthusiastic freshies at CRC, making ardent attempts to unravel the mysteries of the day. The Freshie Quiz—an annual rite of passage which initiates newbies into the inner circle of insti quizzers—was held on Wednesday, the 23rd of August at CRC 101.

 Conducted by Aravindabharathi R and Prateek Vijayavargia, Quiz Club Conveners 2013-14, it witnessed a good turnout. The lecture room was filled with freshies vying for spots in the finals. With 30 questions spanning a wide variety of topics, the preliminary round filtered out all but the best eight teams. The finals were extensive and entertaining, with themed rounds like the ‘House Posters’ and ‘Lego Re-enactments’ giving everyone a chance at quick inference.

In the Convener’s words, “the event was aimed at introducing freshers to the standards of insti quizzing, with questions that require the use of logic and reasoning to be cracked.”


  1. Nithin Ramesan, Ananth Sundararaman, Charan V (Tambaram Tambrahms)

  2. Shashwat Salgaocar, Akhyansh Mohapatra, Kaushik Satapathy (Rocketmen)

  3. Siddharth, Saba and Anjani (Patrick’s Proteges)

  4. Mayug MM, Gautham Krishnan, Arjun Prasannan

  5. S Arun Keshav, Ram Prasanth, Prashanth Srinivasan

  6. Gagan, Sharachchandra, Sunil

  7. S Giridhur, Vishal Katariya, Pradeep

  8. Sooraj Narayan, R Nanatakumar, VP Ferril Samal

The questions and answers can be found here:

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