Driver’s License
Based on a true story
Interview with DoSt: Reopening and Beyond
Design by Rohit Reddy Amidst a flurry of questions concerning the reopening of the institute and the subsequent systems, procedures and restrictions, T5E sat down…
4-6 Months, bro.
My Assignment Isn’t Done, But I Am
“Professors be like I know these are troubling times and then be the trouble during the times” – unknown wise woman, Twitter, circa 2020. I…
The Fundae Fundae
Design by: G Rohit Reddy Now that you have successfully attended at least ten fundae sessions from home, it is time for the mother of…
The Era of Coursera?
Editor: S Vishal Design: Swati Sheenum Remember when we had that urge to be productive because we estimated our worth based on our productivity? Of…
The Undergraduate Exit Survey (Class of 2019)
The Undergraduate Exit Survey was conducted online in September 2019 – during the week in the lead-up to the convocation – for the 2019 UG…
(What The) French (Think About Our) Language Day
A couple of hours into talking to a bunch of French foreign exchange students, this is how they summed up their language: “We are blessed…