Vox Populi S02E02


Vox Populi is a public interview series begun by T5E. Published on a fortnightly basis, it will capture popular opinion on institute relevant issues.

In today’s Vox Populi, T5E asks the question:

“The administration has recently restricted access of girls to boys’ hostel common rooms only. What is your view on this?”

Click here to read an interview from the Dean of Students regarding this issue.

Also read ‘Adulthood and Responsibility‘, an opinion piece written by an alumnus of IIT Madras in context of the same issue.

Watch Vox Populi S02E01

Watch Vox Populi S01E04

Watch Vox Populi S01E03

Watch Vox Populi S01E02

Watch Vox Populi S01E01

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