Manifesto Reviews 2015-16: Saikanth Dacha, Student Head of Center for Innovation (CFI)

Saikanth in his tenure as CFI Head has implemented most of the points he had in his vision. He completely revamped the project selection procedure and even boosted up the project completion rate with the help of Project Management Team which was formed for this specific purpose. He was also able to publicize the activities of CFI, be it at insti level through Media team or recognition at national level by representing Tech culture of IIT Madras at Festival of Innovation, Rashtrapati Bhavan. His tenure has been phenomenal and motivated by the need to pay back to the place which has molded him to what he is today.

Manifesto Reviews 2015-16: Abhishek Sharma, International and Alumni Relations Affairs Secretary

Abhishek’s tenure has seen the start of quite a few long-term programmes and the restructuring of the committee. Proposals such as the I&AR Student Council Rulebook which states the role and duties of every member of the team and the proposal to continue the branding of the institute, this time via domestic events such as Shaastra, Saarang, CFI and so on

VACATION GUIDE: Quirky Hobbies! (Part 1)

The novelty of the holidays is fading fast and the question is in everyone’s minds- what do I do? Over-bearing and pompous aunts might imperiously state that so much time is not meant to be wasted and reel off the usual list- read, write, draw, sing, paint, and so on. Kindly uncles might suggest starting a side-career as a philatelist. Fond parents might suggest the Classical arts. However, none of them seem to appeal. We know what we don’t want, but not what we want.

Manifesto Reviews 2015-16: SAC Speaker, Aroon Narayanan

Aroon in his tenure as SAC Speaker has implemented most of his manifesto points aside from introducing new initiatives like the standing committee, hostel legislator post, new student body guidelines, etc, to name a very small number. Overall, counting in his ongoing manifesto points, he has a phenomenal success ratio of 80% with 20% of his points remaining incomplete (of which at least a couple were completed if not by him). He sums up his tenure as SAC Speaker in a quote, “Getting a policy body like SAC to function is an incredible lesson in convincing, negotiation, tact and diplomacy and my experience in SAC has probably contributed more to my growth, than I have to SAC’s growth”.

Manifesto Reviews 2015-16: Sashank Vadrangi, Academic Affairs Secretary

“Shashank managed a success ratio of nearly 54%, with around 4% of the promised points in his review undergoing completion, and about 36% of the points remaining incomplete. Thus, he has managed overall to implement close to 60% of his agenda items. He has brought in some long needed changes in the functioning of academic, internship and placement affairs, even though some promising initiatives were left incomplete. “

VACATION GUIDE: Book Recommendations!

The holidays catch some of us like characters in a slapstick act pushing with all their weight against a closed door just to find it unlocked. After a semester full of groaning about hectic schedules (while finding ‘n’ ways to pass time less than three hours away from a deadline), we stumble, thankful but bemused, into the summer vacation, where a vast expanse of free time awaits us like a dream fulfilled. And we are not quite sure whether we know what to do with this.
Part 1: Books